Saturday 18 August 2012


1.) PERSONAL NEETNESS - take bath well.wear neet and clean cloths.cut the nails.trim the hair.tie the hair well.

2.) DRESS CODE - follow the proper dress code. Dress code different with profession.don't allow more accessories ,follow the primary code.

3.) HAND SHAKE - shake hand reflects your personality.a stiff ,perfect shake hand express self confidance and receives good impression.

4.) SPEAKING ON THE PHONE - While making business call ,voice should be respectful ,give the time enough to otherside people to listen your words ,and listen their words patiently.

5.) BUSINESS CARDS - always give good business cards to others.use your right hand while taking and giving the cards. After receiving a card ,don't keep it a side ,have a look and read it in front of that person,then keep it where ever you want.

6 .) PERSONAL - define yourself your personal boundaries in the professional life.

7.) RESPECTFUL CALLING - always call others with respect.